Slow day

So the Vallejos I were expecting in the mail haven’t arrived, bummer. Must be delays in the mail, but they’ll probably turn up tomorrow, so it’ll be okay… Did some work on the Storm knight’s armour yesterday and this afternoon, nothing too major. Took the bright lustre off the gold on the masks in order to bring them into line with the rest of his armour, done a bit of edging and stuff, as there’s not much I can do till I get those greys and the transparent blue so I can do the cloak. I can’t really do the lightning till I do the cloak, because I’m going to be doing some blending round where the tendrils connect to the cloak and armour…


A bit messy, but I can tidy up once I’m ready to varnish.

~ by sathoon on May 14, 2015.

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